5 Signs You’re Ready to Own a Home
Becoming a homeowner is one of the most significant accomplishments a person can make. Here at Story House Real Estate, our Realtors always express the overwhelming advantages of homeownership. For those of us in Charlottesville, Virginia, and beyond who are currently renting, making the decision to pursue homeownership can feel both rewarding and terrifying. No matter how familiar you are with the process, being a first-time home buyer is often filled with anxiety, fear, and maybe even doubt. We’re bringing you 5 Signs You’re Ready to Own a Home to help you determine whether or not homeownership may be the best next step for you!
1. You have fully settled into the area and have plans to stay.
Homeownership is one of, if not the most, important investments that you will ever make. If you’re interested in owning a home, the first signifier that you may be ready is that you genuinely love the area you’re in. If you see yourself working in your current position for a long time, if you envision yourself raising a family in your current location, or if want to plant roots and fully settle into Charlottesville, Virginia, pursuing homeownership may be the most logical next step.
2. You have set aside some money in your savings.
Finances, yeah, they’re pretty important. When it comes to buying a home, showing mortgage lenders that you’re serious about home ownership and have started making strides towards securing a down payment is monumental. Additionally, the home buying process incurs various fees and payments that will require some extra cash, so if you’re ready to buy a home, make sure you’ve set aside some disposable income to budget for these expenses.
3. You are aware of and interested in the overwhelming benefits of homeownership.
Building wealth, ensuring the security of your future, gaining stability and feelings of safety in regards to shelter…the list goes on. When it comes to the benefits of home ownership, both mental and financial advantages come to mind. For many of us who are currently renting, the benefits of owning a home heavily outweigh the benefits of continuing to rent. This is the biggest one. Having a place to call your own that continues to build your financial wheelhouse is a dream that many of us want to make a reality. If you have it in your goals to own a home and build your future, you may be ready to start working towards those goals.
4. You find yourself dreaming of owning a home.
This is the biggest one. Having a place to call your own that continues to build your financial wheelhouse is a dream that many of us want to make a reality. If you have it in your goals to own a home and build your future, you may be ready to start working towards those goals.
5. You know what you want.
If you’re anything like me, HGTV shows are your kryptonite. There’s something so addicting about watching prospective homeowners describe what their perfect home looks like and going on the search to find it. Even if you aren’t one to binge-watch Fixer Upper, knowing what you want in your future home is a great sign that you’re interested in homeownership and may be ready to start your search.
Did you say yes to one or more of these 5 Signs You’re Ready to Own a Home? Congrats! It looks like you’re ready to start the journey to owning a home. Our team here at Story House Real Estate would love to help guide you through the next steps and help relieve any fears, doubts, or worries you may have about being a first-time home buyer. We’re here to help! Click the “Buy A Home” tab above to find out more info on how we can help you with your home buying process. If you’re ready to jump right in, fill out our Buyer Profile Form so we can learn more about your goals and start writing the next chapter of your story today!