2110 Ivy Road   |   Charlottesville, VA 22903
One of the things that brings us the greatest fulfillment is truly getting to know our clients. At Story House Real Estate, we take a bit of extra time to focus on our clients and truly get to know their stories. One of our favorite things to offer our clients is professional photography in their new homes- we cherish the opportunity to capture these exciting new moments, and love providing these treasures to our new home owners to use on moving announcements, holiday cards, or whatever they choose. It is such a privilege to be invited into their lives, and to be able to share in the excitement of a new chapter!

Minsue & Jennifer Kim

Where were you living prior to your current home, and how did you begin your house hunting process? We were living in Houston when Minsu was offered a promotion in Virginia. We started doing research about Charlottesville and the surrounding area. We also began reading reviews about local real estate companies and loved what people had to say about Story

Lisa & Robert Opie

Where were you living prior to your current home, and how did you begin your house hunting process?  We were living in a townhouse at Four Seasons in Charlottesville. We first began out house hunting process like most people, on Zillow and Realtor.com. What drew you to working with Story House Real Estate? We were referred to Josh at Storyhouse

Eric & Zari Hunter

Where were you living prior to your current home, and how did you begin your house hunting process? Prior to living where we live now, we lived in an apartment close to here. However, we began looking for a real estate agent and company before moving to Charlottesville, and after Eric accepted an offer from his current job—that was in

Clarissa Cho & Daniel Kwak

Where were you living prior to your current home, and how did you begin your house hunting process? We were living in an apartment in Downtown Charlottesville. What drew you to working with Story House Real Estate? Many charlottesville locals had worked with Jess and Josh from Story House. We heard a lot of positive remarks. Jess is a friend

Mary Anna and Randy Wu

Where were you living prior to Charlottesville and how did you begin the house hunting process? Randy lived in northern Virginia before moving to Charlottesville to attend UVA. After college, he stuck around the area and got a job here. I am from the Charlottesville area and after attending UVA, chose to stay in the community so I could be closer to

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