2110 Ivy Road   |   Charlottesville, VA 22903

But Zillow says my house is worth…

It is actually quite often that people I run into have been completely misguided about their home values.  With the incredible technology and information online about real estate and home searches, people often feel that real estate websites are getting to the point where they are extremely accurate and reliable.  In some large cities, evidently this is true.  In Charlottesville,

We are really outgrowing out current home, but…

In the current market, there are many homeowners out there who would like to have a larger/nicer home but are patiently waiting for the market to improve. A frequently heard objection is that they can’t sell their home for what they think it should be worth, so they are trying to wait for the market to improve a bit and

Is Now a Good Time to Buy?

Time Magazine’s September 11 cover story attempts to make a strong case against homeownership in the article found here; but I have actually found my recent conversations with clients (current and pending) to present a story that is quite the opposite. Are you still debating whether or not it is a “good time to buy”?  It is never a good